In addition, the device detects irregular pulses and automatically determines whether the result is correct (acceptable) or measurement should be repeated. As a result, the display shows only the correct results. If the rhythm disturbance took place, on-screen indicator appears arrhythmias.For users who need to know whether the result falls in the WHO-recommended range (up to 135/85 mm Hg), the device is equipped with a special indicator of high blood pressure.This model also has a function calculating the average values based on the results of 3 measurements made over the last 10 minutes.This set of features is optimal for self-measurement of blood pressure.
Intellisense Technology predictive measureIndicator of proper fixation of the cuffThe function of averaging 3 measurements over the past 10 minutesIndicators of arrhythmia and motion measurementIndicator of increased pressureFan-shaped cuff (repeats the shape of the hand)Memory for 60 measurements with time and dateLarge 4-line displayAbility to use a network adapter
Method: ostsilometricheskyAccuracy: a clinically validatedArrhythmia Indicator: yesBeep: yesMemory: 60 measurementsBatteries: 4 AA batteriesHandbag Storage: yesThe cuff size, see: 22-32Date, time: yesAveraging the results: thereAccuracy: Pressure within + / - 3 mm. AtmosphericAccuracy of measurement: pulse within + / - 5% of reading
5 years warranty
Produced by: OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd, Japan
Technical characteristics
ManufacturerOmron (Japan)
TypeAutomatic blood pressure monitor on the shoulder
Definition of arrhythmiasthere is
Warranty, years5 years
The size of the cuffstandard (22-32 cm)
a large 4-line
Sound signal
there is
The amount of memory measurements
4 AA batteries
Handbag Storage
there is
Date and Time
there is
Averaging the results
there is
The electronic unit.Cuff.4 AA batteries.Owner's Manual.Warranty card.Designed by blood pressure control
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