вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

Libra Glass diagnostic Beurer BG 55 (Germany)

Diagnostic scales with glass platform, large informative display and a full set of features.
Design: Black and White Classics
• A very large display for simultaneous display of measured parameters.
• Weight internal fat, tissue fluid, muscle mass, bone mass
• Interpretation of the measured values ​​of the indicator trends +
Maximum weight: 150 kg / Graduation: 100 g
Scale: 0.1% (the proportion of internal fat, tissue fluid and muscle mass)
• Displays calories AMR / BMR
5 levels of activity
• User memory: 10
Memory cells measuring 5
• The size of digits: 28 mm / Platform: 32 x 32 cm
Appliances include: Tap-On
Batteries included

technical characteristics

Beurer (Germany)

Body Composition Analyzers

Method of measurement

Maximum load, kg
to 150

Warranty, years
2 years



The memory cell


Size, cm

32 x 32

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