Cottage cheese diet for weight loss has its pluses and minuses.
Cottage cheese diet for weight loss helps you quickly lose weight, but it prevents the emergence of deficits of protein and mineral micronutrients.
Pros and cons of cottage cheese diet for weight loss
There is a wide variety of cheese diets for weight loss, but as the name implies, the main component of these diets is the cheese - a product rich in calcium, phosphorus, proteins, fats and substances, cleaving fat. Thanks to the cheese diet you not only lose weight but also strengthen the hair, teeth, bones, and spend the prevention of osteoporosis and other diseases, improve the performance of your nervous system and speed up metabolism. It must be remembered that the cottage cheese diet for weight loss due to calcium salts contained in the curd, has a diuretic effect, so it is very important when it is subject to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
You can use the cottage cheese diet for weight loss diet as a discharge for 1-2 days - to improve the metabolism and detoxification. But, like any other mono-diet, cottage cheese should not abide by more than 5-7 days.Types of cottage cheese diet for weight loss
There are various systems for weight loss based on the curd. Based on the characteristics of your body and appetite, you can manually choose the cottage cheese diet for weight loss, which, in your opinion, best meets your requirements.
Cottage cheese diet for slimming number 1
500g of cottage cheese and 2cT. yogurt spread on 5 meals. From drinks are allowed 1st. decoction of rose, water, green tea - in unlimited quantities. Observe 3-5 days.
Cottage cheese diet for weight loss number 2
300-500g of cottage cheese and yogurt spread 1L 5 meals. Instead of yogurt you can drink low-fat milk. Water, green or herbal teas - in unlimited quantities. Observe 3-5 days.
Cottage cheese diet for weight loss number 3
It consists of 4 meals, each of which can eat up to 100g of cottage cheese with 1 2ch.l. dietary bran, pre-steamed hot water for half an hour. In the cottage you can add fruit, berries and honey. Morning and evening - at 1st. buttermilk or sour milk. Permission is granted to make cottage cheese and fruit puddings. Observe 5-7 days.
Remember that the cheese curd for weight loss diet should be low fat - 4-5%. More fat cottage cheese will keep losing weight, and very fat - will deprive your diet is essential to the health of fat.
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