воскресенье, 10 июня 2012 г.

Fish diet

Want to lose weight is easy, tasty and without harm to health? Then the fish diet for weight loss - this is what you need. Rich in calcium, phosphorus, essential omega-3 fatty acids, fish is also a valuable product and an excellent foundation for any diet.

Fish diet for weight loss - one of the most useful.
Fish diet for weight loss - one of the most useful (if applicable to such diets generally acceptable to use the term "health benefits"). Because the fish is very rich in valuable substances capable of protecting against disease in the first place our heart and blood vessels.
Terms of fish diet for weight loss
In favor of the fish diet for weight loss says, first of all, the fact that such a power system can be kept constant. Even many Hollywood stars are recognized in the fact that their diet consists of fish and vegetables, which helps them to keep themselves in shape and get out of the food necessary for health and trace elements. It is difficult to list everything that is valuable as a food fish - omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, manganese, vitamins A and D, fluoride, easily digestible fish protein, etc. Not only can you lose weight - you'll be healthier if the foundation of your diet would be fish and seafood.
Subject to the fish diet for weight loss, follow these guidelines for greater effectiveness:

A. cook fish, steamed or pan with nonstick oil-free;

Two. Use as a garnish squash, cucumbers, raw rice, beets, carrots, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, but potatoes, mushrooms and radishes better be omitted;

Three. give up on a diet by baking, animal fats, alcohol, caffeine;

4. cook the fish with a minimum of salt, use fresh herbs, lemon juice and mild spices;

Five. Choose lean fish - hake, cod, pollack, etc.;

6. Drink 1.5 liters of water without gas a day - just after awakening, and for 15-20 minutes before each meal.
The menu of fish diet for weight loss for the day
This approximate the menu of fish diet for weight loss, which can be taken as a basis for its:

Breakfast: 2 cups of tea, 1-2 boiled eggs, 1-2 cup nonfat yogurt or cottage cheese;

Lunch: 250g of fish or seafood, raw or cooked vegetables as a side dish without oil, nonfat yogurt seasoned with herbs and lemon juice, 1-2 cups nonfat yogurt or cottage cheese;

Dinner: same as lunch. You can alternate the dishes, steamed, baked with, salads, fresh vegetables - with a vegetable stew.
Fish diet for weight loss, supplemented with fruits and vegetables and dairy products low in fat, can be considered a full and healthy food system. After reaching your desired weight, you can include in your diet of porridge and other side dishes, fruit, nuts, and eat well for a long time without any harm to health, but for the benefit of the figure.

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