среда, 13 июня 2012 г.

Green tea for weight loss

Green tea for weight loss is effective enough to make this issue a no-no and even became the subject of heated debate in every lady's company. So slim green tea or not? And how much it should drink a day? But what if we add to tea a couple of cheesecakes - injury in fact is not? Let's try to answer these questions and more.

Green tea is good for weight loss.
Green tea - a great help in losing weight.
Green tea for weight loss: where myth and where - a reality?
Green tea for weight loss drink more during the reign of the first Chinese emperor. Of course, we are not talking about the use of only one tea drink (as many believe) for the total elimination of food - a mono-rather than help lose weight and get to the hospital bed. We are talking about exactly the time to replace all the other drinks that you consume are used for green tea without sugar. That is the way weight loss is achieved with an average of about 5 kg for 3-4 weeks. Perhaps not as much as you'd like, but note - your diet, then this does not change!
By the way, green tea is not only useful for losing weight, but also for health and beauty: this product is extremely rich in antioxidants (catechins), which slow down the aging process. Along with this green tea normalizes blood pressure, removes toxins and heavy metals, stops inflammation. Green tea contains some caffeine, being a natural biostimulant better than coffee, but much more delicate. With regular use of green tea is perfectly strengthens blood vessels, returning them to the elasticity and conductivity. But back to the issue of weight loss ...How does green tea in weight loss
Green tea promotes weight loss, not only due to the fact that increases the metabolic rate. There are also other useful properties of this drink, for example:

Green tea is a mild diuretic, and, therefore, helps to eliminate excess fluid from the body. Despite the fact that usually do not drink green tea with milk, in order to lose weight, this dining etiquette can and disrupt, if the green tea, add some fat (no more than 0.5%) milk, the diuretic effect will skyrocket and the liquid will be displayed more. Also - this is a good prevention against edema feet;

polyphenols, which are contained in abundance in green tea help to enhance heat transfer in the body due to delayed processing of fats. Studies have shown that if the drinking 3.6 cups of green tea a day, burning more fat will increase by about 45%;

One of the useful properties of tea - the ability to lower blood sugar levels, which means - to suppress hunger, which is very slimming: just half an hour before a meal to drink a cup of green tea during lunch to eat much smaller volume of food than usual.

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