воскресенье, 10 июня 2012 г.

Vegetable diet

Good news for those who want to throw the weight in a healthy way: vegetable diet to lose weight - that is tasty and good for the figure. And who will refuse a delicious cucumber lettuce and radishes, aromatic vegetable soup or a delicious stew?

Vegetable diet to lose weight - one of the easiest and beneficial diets.
Vegetable diet is very effective for weight loss, and at first glance it seems absolutely secure. However, before you start to practice, you must consult your doctor - maybe for you a temporary lack of protein will result in the emergence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other diseases.
Pros and cons of a vegetable diet for weight loss
What is so good vegetable diet to lose weight? Any dietician will tell you that vegetables are an essential component of a healthy diet because they are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, carbohydrates, protein, and so on. Focusing on a vegetable diet to lose weight you also spend the prevention of a number of respiratory diseases, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and more. etc. Properly balanced vegetable diet for weight loss can be kept for a long time - this is called a vegan diet, which is a lifelong respect the followers of this style of food without any harm to health.
The disadvantage of a vegetable diet for weight loss can be a little of its calories - as is well known, long-term adherence to low calorie diet can significantly slow down metabolism, so you should not stick to it for more than two weeks. If you have not yet achieved the desired results, then switch to the diet a little bit of cooked meat or dairy products, or increase your daily energy value with the vegetables.Principles of vegetable diet for weight loss
The essence of the vegetable diet to lose weight in the hand during the day dishes out 1.5 kg of raw, boiled and stewed vegetables, the total energy value in 1100 1300Kkal. It is important that portions were small, but the number of meals reached 4-5 times a day - the so-called fractional power, which is the correct style of food to human health.
Observe the vegetable diet to lose weight better in periods when the markets and shops in your area you can find lots of fresh seasonal vegetables - for example, spring, summer or fall. The diet should be varied - you will surely lose weight on a single cabbage and cucumbers, but it is unlikely such a system can be considered a healthy food. In addition to vegetables, your diet should contain fresh herbs - onions, dill, parsley, mint, etc. For better absorption of vegetables recommended intake of dairy products - milk and yogurt are low in fat.
Remember, the calorie vegetables can vary depending on the method of their preparation - for example, potatoes baked in their jackets are more useful than fried or boiled potatoes, carrots and the glycemic index is greatly increased after boiling. Knowing these simple rules, and experimenting in cooking, you can stick to a vegetable diet to lose weight for a long time without any harm to health.

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