среда, 13 июня 2012 г.

products that are useful for liver

he liver - one of the most important organs in our body. It detoxifies poisons that enter the body, filters the blood, removing from it the dirtiest. Any surplus that we currently allow, a heavy burden borne by it. In the liver should be cared for, to serve loyally for many years. What is good for the liver?

Some of the most useful products for the liver - vegetables.
Daily consumption of vegetables is good for health in general and for the welfare of the liver in particular. Body which is responsible for maintaining cleanliness in our body, is worthy to be for him from time to time cleaning. Products such as vegetables rather contribute to this.
What products are useful for the liver, it is necessary to know?
Products that are useful for the liver, are useful for us - in fact this body, and weighs more than both of the heart, after malnutrition stone hanging in his side, his mouth - bitterness. Not only is it unpleasant, it also speaks about the harm caused to our liver. What is there to please her and make amends?
Useful for liver broth hips, chamomile, peppermint. You can drink "Essentuki", "Narzan." However, it should beware assign yourself a serious medicine to cleanse the liver, it could cause irreparable harm. The main thing - the right food. Be sure to discard the fat, spicy, and most importantly, good! After two or three weeks the liver has to come back to normal.
That's what will help in particular:

Pumpkin in all forms, pumpkin seeds;

beets - add to soups, salads;

vegetable soup - vegetarian or meat broth strained, very well add the orange and green products in the light soups, same here - fresh cabbage;

low-fat light meat (beef, turkey, chicken) in boiled, baked without oil as steam cakes;

lean fish (cod, perch, carp, saffron cod) baked in a steam or form;

fat cottage cheese is less than 2% (100-200g per day), as well as yogurt, kefir, tan;

cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, cereal flakes.

vegetable oils, especially olive oil, cold pressed;

jelly, jellies, puddings;

bread, cereal, dried is better;

rosehip and chamomile teas.
Traditional recipes are useful for liver
You can take note of:

Clear a few heads, beets, boil for two hours - until then, until vegetables are a homogeneous mass, the resulting drink a decoction of three-fourths cup several times daily for 2 weeks;

good for the liver, a drink made from fresh vegetables - carrots (200g), parsley (50g), celery (150g), drink it every day for a month in the morning on an empty stomach.
The liver is better to preserve his youth, because to live with her much better than without it!

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