среда, 13 июня 2012 г.

Harm diets. How to lose weight properly

How many diets are there? Approximately 30,000 (not including treatment). Is it really useful and they are really so they all necessary? What harm can cause ill-considered diet? And is there a way to lose weight without hurting themselves?

The harm of diets in the first place is that the body is systematically loses it needs substance.
Harm diet consists primarily in the fact that the body is systematically loses vital nutrients to it.
Harm diets - dates
Of course, speaking about the dangers of dieting, we do not mean the diet treatment, a doctor appointed by us, designed to preserve and strengthen our health. We are talking about those that we ourselves are often "prescribe" diet for several days, excluding any products or reducible to one.
Seldom has a short diet (for 2 days by 10 days) worth it. No, of course, we lose weight, but the trouble is that it moves away from us? Fat? Alas, more often it is. Fat, especially on the sides and waist goes reluctantly, slowly. Ten days it is not enough. What if we lose? Water is needed substance. In addition, after the diet weight often comes back to us threefold. Why not? While these diets the body is reconstructed on a hard diet, the metabolism slows down by 10-30%, calories burned slower start. After serving in the diet of the allotted time, and throwing off some weight, the man returned to their former habits. But the body does not have time to adjust to a new way and all of it slowly burns calories, which leads to a sharp increase in body weight.
Returning pounds - is not only an aesthetic poser, but a problem for your health. Fat, which accumulates after we have once again done a super diet for a period of seven days, more dangerous than the original. Professor King's College London T.Sonders said: "If you sit down again and again on a diet and quit it, then the distribution of body fat you have changed. The newly recruited fat is deposited primarily in the abdominal cavity, near the internal organs, and not between the muscles and skin on the sides and thighs. " This accumulation of fat is very dangerous - the fat is easily seeps out into the liver and bloodstream, causing a sharp increase in low-density lipoprotein in the blood. And this, as we know - a direct path to atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.The harm of diets - from what we give up?
Forming a short menu of mono, we often forget that by concentrating on one product, we deprive ourselves of the huge amount of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, glucose. And this, among other things leads to a decrease in mental activity - roughly speaking, we can a little bit gaga. British psychologists have tested 60 healthy women in the absolute attention, memory and reaction speed. There have been two tests - the first test after the woman passed a strict diet, a second test - after a heavy meal. The test results after the diet were 20-30% worse than the results after they are saturated with the organism useful trace elements.
In addition, a protein needed each day to build a new, constantly updated body cells, as well as for the synthesis of hormones and enzymes. The prolonged absence of the protein in the diet leads to anemia, which may seem strange, if you eat, for example, only apples, which are rich in iron and that its deficiency causes anemia due to violations of the synthesis of hemoglobin. However, for the synthesis of hemoglobin, iron also needs more and squirrels. And this is only part of the iceberg.Harm diets - what do I do now?
In order not to harm your health, you should carefully consider a diet. To do this, not have to be a chemist and a biologist, can and should ask the advice of his physician and a nutritionist. Above all, we must remember that a diet - it's a one way ticket. Do not torment the body from the stress of short, similar to outbreaks, diet, diet should be balanced in accordance with their health, so that every day in the body received the right amount of trace elements, and he did not want for anything. Welcome fasting days - one day a week is quite possible, without causing harm to themselves, to limit yourself to food.
Join a gym, health club, walk, run in the morning to keep a beautiful shape. Nothing else will keep our beauty is better than a healthy lifestyle. Trite, but true. Just nothing happens for the right to be beautiful must be overcome. However, in training should know when to stop, again, consult with a specialist, as each organism - its load.
Meru is generally better to know everything, then never have any problems with health or with a figure or a mood. Do not torment yourself with food asceticism, because you are beautiful!

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