среда, 13 июня 2012 г.

Diet orange

Coming summer, the days are already becoming warm and sunny! Soon the beach, sunbathe by the yellow-orange sun ... but you feel uncomfortable when around the figure turned to winter, "life belt". How to lose those extra pounds? Help to yellow-orange fruit! How to make a true orange diet?

Orange diet helps to lose a few extra pounds before you go on vacation.
Orange diet - a delicious way to lose those extra pounds and inches before the summer vacation. Of course, if you approach it, as with any diet, of sound mind and the real query. And also - if you have not been allergic to citrus.
Orange diet - the main provisions
What you need to remember to mention the orange diet? First, you need to know exactly what is on this sunny piece of fruit is not allergic, or orange this diet is not suitable. So if after the first day at the hands of a rash, and his face - swelling, you should think about changing their diet. Second, it should be noted that the diet - low in calories, and it is better to check with your doctor, if your body is ready for this kind of diet.
By all measures, diet orange - our diet? Excellent! It remains only to choose which of the two types of diets we will do. The first type is designed for three weeks and lost about 3 kg per week. The second type - this is more rapid correction, it is designed for three days.Orange diet - a three-week course
Let's start with a longer course. Plan your menu for three weeks, to some extent even easier than with other diets. The thing is that we do not say nutritionists strongly that there is for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Just lists of products that you can eat in one day. And how to combine them, and what combination of products suits you best - a matter of taste.
So the first week of diet orange. During the first seven days of daily need to eat two boiled eggs, drinking two liters of purified drinking water or mineral water (without gas) and eat 1kg of oranges. Can be difficult to sustain, but to overcome is yourself. The notorious pounds do not need to eat at a time, stretch it a day.
The diet consists of the second week of daily use of the same 1kg oranges, two liters of water. However, add unsalted porridge. It is recommended buckwheat. And the cereal can be eaten in any quantity. So the second week of the diet is easier to bear oranges, since the mess gives a feeling of fullness, and hunger will not be tortured.
In the third and final week of a daily diet of orange eating a kilo of oranges and add any other fruit or vegetables in raw and cooked.Orange diet - fits in three days
When the time is running out, and no extra three weeks to try to scrape susekam three days to correct the little figure. There is no such faith in the drafting of the menu, but we do not give up poultry and fish, so beneficial for our mental activity!
Here are a few types of breakfast:

a toast of white bread or toast, bran flakes 100g, a medium-sized orange;

a toast of white bread or toast, 100 ml of orange juice, one boiled egg;

50g low fat cheese, four of white bread toast, a slice of melon.
Dinner menu to choose from:

150g salad of lettuce and 50 g of salted salmon, seasoned with two teaspoons of low-fat mayonnaise, yogurt cup and a half teaspoon of honey, two small slices of bran bread and 1 orange;

Boiled Beans - 150g of green salad, toast bread with 1 teaspoon light butter or margarine and 1 orange;

Boil two medium-sized potatoes, in addition to the table to file - tomato, cucumber, 50 g fat-free cheese and an orange;

boiled beets in a salad with the addition of herbs and vegetables, 75 g of boiled rice with boiled lean beef or balyk out and 1 orange.
And what for dinner?

75 g of liver, grilled mushrooms and 75g, 125g fresh raspberries with two tablespoons of yogurt, 75g green beans, garlic, and 1 orange;

Boiled chicken, seasoned with paprika, 1 orange, Brussels sprouts and broccoli - at 75g;

lean pork or lamb, cooked on the grill - 75g, boiled potatoes, some onions and carrots, 125g yoghurt, 100g of pineapple and an orange.
Orange diet - what is the harm?
However, not all so well in the Danish kingdom. Who could harm such a sunny diet? What dangers lurk in it?

First, in spite of the nutrients contained in oranges, eat and digest for 1 kg of citrus in the day under the force of every organism.

Secondly, it may cause gastrointestinal upset due to the very active exposure to vitamin C and limonoids. And if you have a chronic disease of the stomach or intestines - medical advice to the diet will be very helpful.

Third, a large number of eggs may lead to increased levels of cholesterol and the formation of constipation.
However, if you go to a diet with a mind to receive the approval of a physician, the orange diet - this is just what you need to return the slender shape of a figure!

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