среда, 13 июня 2012 г.

vegetarian meals

According to statistics, from 3 to 10% of the population of Europe and the United States adhere to a vegetarian diet. Every year the number of its adherents is growing - including among advanced and affluent society, which gives rise to talk about the vegetarian diet as a super-popular trend!

Vegetarian food is very popular in the world.
Vegetarian meals - one of the most popular alternative power systems in the world. Despite the fact that this year, the WHO officially announced all vegetarians mentally abnormal people, but the system itself - a potentially harmful and dangerous to health.
The popularity of vegetarian food in our time
Vegetarian food - not the new-fangled way of life. He practiced in ancient India, he followed most of the gladiators in ancient Rome, as well as such famous people as Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein. According to some estimates the number of adherents of vegetarian food in Russia over the past five years has increased by 6%. On the one hand there is a perception that, for many, especially the wealthy "new recruits", vegetarianism - it's just a fad, but for someone - only care about their health, but of course there are lots of people who have changed their habits food for ethical reasons.
In general, modern people have become vegetarians for the following reasons (place them in order of popularity):

health (it is proved that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, cataracts, etc.);

due to substances (chemicals, preservatives, hormones) that are contained in meat and meat products;

aversion to the taste of meat;

for the love of animals and protect their rights;

for religious reasons;

because of concerns about the planet;

to lose weight;

to reduce the number of hungry people on the planet.
Vegetarian meals and food industry
The fact that vegetarian food is gaining popularity in our country, and said growth in the number of vegetarian restaurants and cafes, as well as the emergence of a vegetarian menu in some institutions. In many developed countries have a network of shops for vegetarian food products, as well as special sections in supermarkets. It also uses a special mark showing the contents of this product (or drug) products of animal origin - such as India, where a third of the inhabitants of the indigenous population is vegetarian, and the tenth part - eats eggs, as well as in Australia. The most favorable countries for vegetarians some polls are India, Israel and the United Kingdom.
Industry is actively developing products for vegetarian food - soy-based (milk and dairy products, beef, mayonnaise, etc.), vegetarian sausages, pastries and vegetarian meatless pasta (no eggs, milk and animal fats), and many others. etc. Since the complete rejection of animal products is much rarer than the form of vegetarianism which is permissible under the eating of eggs and milk, then no difficulty to eat varied, tasty and balanced in modern vegetarians do not arise.
Vegetarian meals - largely justified style food, but even it requires balance and deliberation. The way you eat, should not depend on fashion trends, or hobbies, you should consult with a dietician and start a vegetarian lifestyle in mind.

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