среда, 13 июня 2012 г.

Diet against cellulite

Diet against cellulite has one goal: to help certain foods to help women reduce the uneven deposition of subcutaneous fat, which, of course, is the best way possible impact on her appearance - the volume will decrease, the skin will become noticeably more even, smoother, firmer. You'll be surprised, but the main anti-cellulite substances present in foods, only two - the protein and flavonoid naringin. They should saturate and diet.

Anti-cellulite diet helps get rid of excess fat
Anti-cellulite diet is very effective, if not to himself favors and rewards in the form of a couple of eclairs and cheesecake for dinner.
The first hero of the anti-cellulite diet
The diet is based on anti-cellulite is to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat accumulations which form the bumpy surface of the skin. One of the most effective products, "working" on your smooth, beautiful skin, can be called a grapefruit - it is the main participant of the diet against cellulite.
The fact that the fruit of the grapefruit contains a magnificent substance - a flavonoid naringin, which also helps to remove excess fat from the subcutaneous tissue. By following a diet for cellulite, saturating the body naringin, you thus stimulate the liver to work in emergency mode, producing more bile than usual. Bile helps block fat from food, which hit in the stomach, so absorbed (and therefore delayed), it is much less. So the body is forced to turn to subcutaneous stocks to get sufficient amounts of energy. Gradually decrease fat accumulation, and the skin - smoother.
The day is recommended to eat about 200g of grapefruit pulp, and together with plenochkoy that separates the lobules from each other. In the bitter taste of naringin highest concentration of the film. But in fairness it should be mentioned that the acid in grapefruit, will also be exposed to the stomach in excess, which may cause some discomfort. In order to somewhat reduce the discomfort, try with what not to combine the use of grapefruit: one hour before and hour after - no other products.The protein in the diet against cellulite: the hero-buddy
In the anti-cellulite diet protein intake is essential. The mechanism here is quite simple and familiar to every schoolboy: as you know, burn fats in the mitochondria of muscle cells, and nowhere else. They are - a kind of stove, which melts the fat, giving the body the necessary energy. The less muscle mass in humans - the harder it get rid of excess fat in the body: it is simply nowhere to sink, furnace is not enough. Conversely, people with a luxurious muscle torso, usually lunch for "three", but do not get fat - because the fat is where the burn.
Eating protein (which is the basic building blocks of muscle cells), we thereby create that base, which melts and our body fat. Departing from the subcutaneous tissue, it will make the skin smoother.
However, the use of protein in the diet for cellulite, there are strict rules: the protein product should be low fat (otherwise the meaning will not be none at all). Therefore, no meat, no cheese, no cream cheese with the usual - for anti-cellulite diet is not good. The bet must be placed on low-fat cottage cheese (preferably - "my best"), nonfat yogurt and milk, as well as low-fat seafood, fish and tofu. Do not overdo it - the body simply can not absorb more than 30g of protein per meal (approximately 250 g fat-free cottage cheese). So spread your diet so that one day to eat 90-100g of protein, but not more than 30g at a time. So you create the most favorable conditions for burning fat and getting rid of cellulite.

1 комментарий:

  1. No matter what beauty therapists might tell you, cellulite isn't a build-up of toxins, it's actually fat held in stacked lipid boxes - pure and simple. You don’t have to follow any diet chart to reduce cellulite or buy some expensive product you just have to do some simple exercise at your home you can do these exercise at any time . To know more just check this link http://tinyurl.com/CelluliteReduction9 .
