Unfortunately, not every older man assesses his sex life in a positive way. For many, the weakening of their sexual function means a complete cessation of sexual relations. Erections are rare, too soft for penetration or just disappear.
This may be one of the most humiliating experiences, which have experience in my life man. Most do not realize that it is possible for this to take and who to ask for help, even though they are often ashamed does not allow them to do so.
All the more sad that now achieved tremendous progress in the treatment of sexual problems, and modern medicine can help almost anyone
Erection problems are familiar to anyoneIn my practice I have seen many, many men who are concerned with reduction of its potency, with each case require separate consideration and study of the causes of its appearance. Some impotence occurred due to the presence they have a serious illness, lack of blood supply to the penis, hormonal deficiency, or a side effect of medicines. The other reason for their difficulty getting anxiety about their sexual abilities, persistent demands of partners, stress factors or problems in relationships. Some are not able to complain about the existence of real problems getting an erection, and were simply frightened by the natural age-related changes that have occurred in their body.
It is obvious that in many cases, these difficulties are the result of a combination of emotional and physical factors. If a man feels a slight change in their sexual responses, for example, due to vascular insufficiency, it may be very frightened by this fact. Arising from him with anxiety can cause much more serious difficulties than small physiological changes.
Over the years, I compiled a list of questions to help me determine whether the requirements for the most part medical problem or is it more related to emotional causes. Such questions often help me find the key to solving the problem. Try to answer them before you go to your doctor.
By answering them, you will receive at least a rough idea, with which you may be associated difficulties. In addition, not every physician is well versed in sexual matters, so this preliminary assessment will allow you to judge how deep your therapist understands the problem.
You have absolutely no erections or do they arise, but then disappear?
Indeed, this is a simple matter, as well as all the others. However, the interpretation of the answers to them before you helped hundreds of men with similar problems.
If, for example, are you telling me that over the years, your erections are gradually becoming more and more unstable and easily disappeared soon after the birth, and now they are and are not observed, the most likely cause is a slowly progressive physical problem. If you have a beautiful erection, which quickly disappears once you just start the sexual act, then it probably is an increased anxiety about their sexual performance. If your erection is half or even three-quarters depends on the active physical stimulation and disappears immediately after its termination, the reason, apparently, is physical in nature. If an erection occurs normally, but in the process of sexual intercourse gradually disappears, it means the blood leaves the penis erectile tissues, leaving the systemic circulation. If this process is rather slow and you have time to enjoy the sexual act within ten or fifteen minutes, after which an erection can leave you, then you probably all right. An erection will not last forever. If you believe that she disappeared early, ask your partner to help you get it back. If you are experiencing that terminates in this case, an orgasm, it just means that your body is at the moment does not need it.
Do you ever wake up with a good erection?
It's really a good way to see how workable your erectile function. Normally, during a typical night's sleep you should occur three or four erections, lasting approximately twenty minutes each. This happens during REM sleep or dreaming phase. If at this moment you are asleep, you are not aware of the appearance of an erection, but if you happen to wake up at that very moment, chances are you will find in their erection.
If you are awakened by a full bladder, you know that he was not the cause of your erection. Just need to help raise you out of bed in REM sleep.
If you are celebrating at a sufficiently regular night or early morning erections - is a reliable sign of keeping your erectile mechanism and its ability to function normally. If you're waking up with a very rare or no mark in his erection, or if it is very soft, it does not prove the mechanism of injury: it is possible that you just do not wake up in REM sleep, but you should be alert and continue its examination.
Does the appearance of your erection from the situation?
This question differentiates the difficulties arising from the impact of adverse external factors, from those that result from medical problems. For example, it is normal to experience difficulty with erection in the day when you are tired or have experienced a great emotional stress. Or maybe you do not manage with one partner, while the other is all great. Such can occur if you are experiencing difficulties in relationships, and perhaps with one partner you feel relaxed, while the other you have yet to prove their worth. Or one of them helps you to be excited, while the other does not. If you have a problem during a visit with a new partner, the more likely reason for this was your anxiety about their sexual abilities. And if, say, while on vacation, you point out in his excellent erection, but once you return home, as once again the problem starts, it probably indicates excessive stress experienced at work.
Does your partner and how effective it help?
That's really important question. If you have difficulties arise against a background of lack of support from your partner, it may well be that with you all right. As we age, you are no longer those spontaneous erections occur, which have been in his youth. Now you need to direct physical stimulation to your penis could solidify. If the partner does not help you, for example, because they do not realize that you need it, or because of prejudice avoid touching your penis, then the underlying problem may be just a lack of stimulation of your penis.
If a full erection occurs you only as a result of additional stimulation, which has your partner, know that you are healthy and your sexuality is all right. The need for stimulation is perfectly normal and common for a man your age. You and your partner should take this into account and to pay adequate attention to the exciting caresses before having sex.
On the other hand, if the erection does not occur even after you have a well-conducted stimulation, indicating either the presence of medical problems or a high level of anxiety that is blocking your natural sexual response.
Have you ever considered an erection during masturbation?
If you are using masturbation is possible to achieve a good erection, it clearly proves that your sexual response is all right. Masturbation alone creates ideal conditions for testing your reproductive system, when the excluded amount to harassment and embarrassment arising from the presence of your partner.
If you are experiencing difficulties in the process of normal sexual intercourse and even the existence of some stimulation does not correct the situation, but you have good erections during masturbation, this may be two reasons. The first is that anxiety about their sexual abilities, as well as anger or resentment often block the normal flow of your sexual response. Another reason probably lies in the ignorance of your partner as to what you require sexual stimulation. In the latter case, it is likely that you have never talked to her about what you like and what you need, and the more openly did not show how this can be done. And while the conversation on this topic may cause some confusion for you, but it's the best thing to do in this situation.
Is there a connection between your impotence and emotionally traumatic situation?
The cause of impotence can be a stressful situation that arose in connection with a job loss, retirement, divorce or parting with a partner. In this case, difficulties with erection are part of your body's natural reaction to stress and strain. Unfortunately, the first failure may trigger the development of your anxiety about their sexual abilities, which in future will be the main reason for an extended period of impotence.
Or maybe you're depressed?
Depression is a common cause of sexual dysfunction. If you are sad, feel dejected and exhausted, and besides, you are experiencing sleep disorders and appetite, your sexual problem - just another symptom of depression.
This form of impotence is usually easily treatable with antidepressants. And although sometimes the use of these medications causes the appearance of new side effects with them, it is possible to reconcile, given the fact that overcoming depression leads to the release of your sexuality, which in any case outweighed any possible discomfort.
How do you react when you have a problem? As your partner responds?
If your partner is angry and blames you every time when you can not please her a good erection, or, alternatively, immediately falls into a sad, sad mood, you'll probably be very difficult. If you yourself become irritated and disgusted himself, thus it only reinforces the dominance of your psychological stress, which in itself can lead to further deterioration of the situation.
On the other hand, if your partner is able to support you and help in difficult times, and you are calm and philosophical react to the appearance of your difficulties with erection, it means most likely that the alarm does not play the decisive role of your case, and the first place are medical factors.
Do you take medications that can cause problems with erection?
As we discussed in previous chapters, many drugs have a negative impact on sexual function. Most alarming in this indicator are the antihypertensive agents, but other types of drugs, as mentioned, and not included in this book, sometimes cause similar difficulties. Watch the summary of all medicines you are taking, and do not hesitate to consult your doctor if you have any questions.
Importantly, however, bear in mind that if you are taking medication that is known for its ability to cause in some cases, sexual difficulties, it does not mean that this tool is the sole cause of your problem. Unfortunately, there are many other possible causes of sexual dysfunction.
Medical Diagnostics
By answering the above questions, you get some idea about the possible cause of your problem. However, for more accurate diagnosis, and even more so for the correct choice of treatment will require a full medical examination necessary to prevent serious illness such as diabetes, which itself can cause impotence.
Not long ago, it was assumed that the occurrence of impotence is almost exclusively associated with psychological factors that were likely the result of our lack of serious medical diagnostic techniques. The first step is to clarify the real state of affairs began to study it possible to divide the medical and psychological causes of impotence. The next radical step was the development of artificial implants, allowed to cure impotence with surgical techniques. The pendulum has swung the other way. Most have no say impotent men-that the problem is related to their psychological reactions. On the contrary, they are now convinced that the only surgeons in a position to help them.
Fortunately, all subsequent years, progress has not stood still. The development of new medical technologies and pharmaceutical industry advances have greatly expanded our understanding of the possibilities of diagnosis and treatment of men suffering from impotence.
Some sex therapists *, * deny medical practices are still trying to help impotent men, by using spoken or sexual therapy training, ignoring all the knowledge about the medical causes of the problems that have become available over the past few years. Many doctors, on the other hand, continues to think solely in terms of surgery, offering sewing the implant virtually every man with sexual dysfunction. Of course, both are - extreme. Artificial implants - a great way to solve the problem if it is really necessary, but now developed a number of other treatments that do not require surgical intervention. Why can not justify those doctors who are doing an automatic choice in favor of surgery, without trying to make other, more simple and less traumatic treatment options.
At the beginning of a conversation with your doctor will discuss with him those questions that you have already answered above. This will allow him to better focus on your problem and provide the intended area for more in-depth study. Of course, impotence, anxiety arose because of experiences as real and requires appropriate consideration and treatment as well as impotence, which is the cause of an illness. It is also important to determine, does not lie at the base of the problem is lack of physical stimulation that relatively quickly and easily corrected.
On the safety of your sexual physiology can be judged by an erection that occurs when you masturbate, as well as by the presence of morning or nocturnal erections. If you can say about myself that several times a week, waking up with a good, hard erection, it is likely that the presence of nocturnal erections, and does not require a special acknowledgment. If you find it difficult to recall when the last time you woke up with an erection, the subject may deserve a separate study.
There are expensive ways to study nocturnal erections, which call for a few nights in a special lab, but you can choose and less cumbersome and expensive method.
One of the surprising simple and ingenious ways is "vintage test": a ring from a strip of postage stamps attached around the trunk of your penis. If during sleep you experience an erection, it will tear perforation, which is found on waking. This test is not immune from mistakes and inaccuracies, but it is quite good in the first approximation. If the brand exploded for three nights out of three, it almost certainly indicates that the mechanism of erection you have is functioning normally.
For the study of nocturnal erections are used, and other similar tests, but they are only used to collect additional information, and their results do not have a decisive influence on the medicine. In addition, we know that almost all elderly patients in the development of their impotence to some degree involved physical or vascular component.
By answering the above questions, you get some idea about the possible cause of your problem. However, for more accurate diagnosis, and even more so for the correct choice of treatment will require a full medical examination necessary to prevent serious illness such as diabetes, which itself can cause impotence.
Not long ago, it was assumed that the occurrence of impotence is almost exclusively associated with psychological factors that were likely the result of our lack of serious medical diagnostic techniques. The first step is to clarify the real state of affairs began to study it possible to divide the medical and psychological causes of impotence. The next radical step was the development of artificial implants, allowed to cure impotence with surgical techniques. The pendulum has swung the other way. Most have no say impotent men-that the problem is related to their psychological reactions. On the contrary, they are now convinced that the only surgeons in a position to help them.
Fortunately, all subsequent years, progress has not stood still. The development of new medical technologies and pharmaceutical industry advances have greatly expanded our understanding of the possibilities of diagnosis and treatment of men suffering from impotence.
Some sex therapists *, * deny medical practices are still trying to help impotent men, by using spoken or sexual therapy training, ignoring all the knowledge about the medical causes of the problems that have become available over the past few years. Many doctors, on the other hand, continues to think solely in terms of surgery, offering sewing the implant virtually every man with sexual dysfunction. Of course, both are - extreme. Artificial implants - a great way to solve the problem if it is really necessary, but now developed a number of other treatments that do not require surgical intervention. Why can not justify those doctors who are doing an automatic choice in favor of surgery, without trying to make other, more simple and less traumatic treatment options.
At the beginning of a conversation with your doctor will discuss with him those questions that you have already answered above. This will allow him to better focus on your problem and provide the intended area for more in-depth study. Of course, impotence, anxiety arose because of experiences as real and requires appropriate consideration and treatment as well as impotence, which is the cause of an illness. It is also important to determine, does not lie at the base of the problem is lack of physical stimulation that relatively quickly and easily corrected.
On the safety of your sexual physiology can be judged by an erection that occurs when you masturbate, as well as by the presence of morning or nocturnal erections. If you can say about myself that several times a week, waking up with a good, hard erection, it is likely that the presence of nocturnal erections, and does not require a special acknowledgment. If you find it difficult to recall when the last time you woke up with an erection, the subject may deserve a separate study.
There are expensive ways to study nocturnal erections, which call for a few nights in a special lab, but you can choose and less cumbersome and expensive method.
One of the surprising simple and ingenious ways is "vintage test": a ring from a strip of postage stamps attached around the trunk of your penis. If during sleep you experience an erection, it will tear perforation, which is found on waking. This test is not immune from mistakes and inaccuracies, but it is quite good in the first approximation. If the brand exploded for three nights out of three, it almost certainly indicates that the mechanism of erection you have is functioning normally.
For the study of nocturnal erections are used, and other similar tests, but they are only used to collect additional information, and their results do not have a decisive influence on the medicine. In addition, we know that almost all elderly patients in the development of their impotence to some degree involved physical or vascular component.
In any case the results of studies of nocturnal erections should be taken into account with caution. If you do not have nocturnal erections, it means that there is a physical problem. However, the presence of nocturnal erections do not guarantee you a good sexual potency in a real situation and is not even a proof of the leading role of psychological factors in the development of your impotence.
How to reduce the influence of various substances on your genital area
Among the drugs that have a negative impact on male sexual function, allocated antihypertensive drugs. If you have high blood pressure, and need long-term therapy, ask your doctor to prescribe you these medications, which are least likely to affect sexual function. However, it is reasonable as attentive to the choice of any other drug in all other diseases.
Prolonged abuse of alcohol and tobacco cause serious sexual problems in many older men among us have turned to the clinic. Remember that the amount of alcohol that you can easily use during his youth, in adulthood it becomes excessive and can be very devastating effect on your erection. Similarly, smoking may be the gravedigger of your sexual hopes and aspirations.
Chronic use of marijuana or cocaine significantly suppressed your sexuality. Heroin and other opiates are literally destroying it. Long-term use of steroids to build muscle mass leads to shrink the testicles and lower testosterone levels.
Can the disease affect sexuality?
Let's start with the obvious: surgery or radiation therapy for prostate cancer and damage to the nerves going to the penis. However, the same results and may cause any traumatic injury that area.
In search of the causes of your sexual difficulties, special attention should be paid to the increased blood pressure, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hormonal problems, and chronic liver or renal failure.
Diabetes is very often a cause of impotence. Many men, for a long time with diabetes, there is a decrease of their erectile function. This is a consequence of developing a given disease, neuropathy (nerve damage), and vascular disorders, leading to a partial blockade of blood supply to the penis. Some of the men who turned to us about his sexual dysfunction, were not even aware that they have diabetes. Others have known for years about his illness, but did not undertake sufficient efforts to health care.
Atherosclerosis, a hardening of artery walls, can cause blockage of small blood vessels that deliver blood to the penis, just as it does in all other organs of the body. Chronic liver disease often lead to a breach of the processes of transformation of sex hormones, resulting in a relative deficiency in the body of male sex hormones.
Hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid activity) can have a negative impact on the production of male sex hormones and contributes to their more rapid destruction. In this disease patients in the body increases the production of prolactin, a hormone the pituitary gland that suppresses sexual desire and erections in men. Patients with hypothyroidism are prone to rapid fatigue, apathy and depression, that is, to states which are themselves capable of suppressing sexual desire and response, but hypothyroidism is rarely serves as the only cause of impotence.
We have already mentioned that the elevated levels of prolactin can cause sexual difficulties. The main function of this hormone that is produced in the pituitary gland, is to stimulate milk production in the female breast. It is normally produced in small quantities also in the male body, and in this case its function remain unclear. However, if for some reason, its level of production increases, it leads to a decrease in male sexual desire and suppression of testosterone, resulting in problems with erection.
Prolactin levels increased in different states. One is a pituitary adenoma, a small and usually benign tumor that can produce large amounts of prolactin. Among the other causes a moderate increase in the level of this hormone, hypothyroidism can be identified, as well as the use of certain medications, such as large tranquilizers. The increased mental stress also contributes to this state. Most often, increasing the level of prolactin is not the only or the leading cause of impotence, but it is necessary to consider its importance in the development of this problem. Typically, in medical practice study of prolactin levels is carried out only in cases of suspected its increase, for example, in the case of reducing the amount of testosterone.
Sexual dysfunction can be devastating for any man and his partner. Not only does it impair the quality of life, but also exposes the individual to a horde of psycho social problems.