среда, 13 июня 2012 г.

Cucumber diet. Lose Weight in a healthy

Cucumber diet - one of the most popular mono-diet, sometimes causing mixed reactions. Indeed, a cucumber, of course, is rich in vitamins, trace elements, but not all. Is there a way to lose weight on a diet of cucumber correctly and without harm to the body?

Cucumber diet - one of the most popular mono-diet.
Cucumber diet, as well as any other kind of mono-diet is quite controversial and dangerous way of losing weight. Any common nutritionist will tell you that it is better to use as an ingredient cucumber face mask or eye than eat them in unlimited quantities, and all alone in the hope of losing weight.Cucumber diet - but would not be wrong!Cucumber diet causes a lot of controversy. Of course, deny the benefits of this vegetable is difficult. It does contain vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, as well as sugar and mineral salts. In the cucumber is potassium, which is an excellent preventive measure for cardiovascular disease. Iodine, which is saturated with vegetable, perfectly absorbed by the body, just like fluoride, zinc, iron, aluminum, molybdenum, folic acid. However, for the same reason, these vegetables can be eaten for people suffering from kidney disease or peptic ulcer disease.If you are completely healthy person, then you will still not recommended to switch to a strict mono-diet consisting of vegetables chosen by us - and nothing more. First, you need to drink vitamin complexes, as our vegetables, for example, does not contain the protein necessary for us to full life. Vitamins from tablets is not completely absorbed by the body, so that a serious deficiency in vital substances remain. In addition, a diet consisting only of salads and "three crusts of bread," has all the features cause an upset digestive function.What now, put a cross on a diet? It is possible, and will not have to, if we approach the preparation of the menu with the mind.A diet without harm to healthDespite the fact that we are proposing a diet you can see and beef, and fish should not be afraid: the effect of which we are all waiting on any diet - weight loss - of course, would be, but the injury will be reduced to a minimum. But do not forget to check with your doctor about the possibility of such a diet for you personally.Diet last week. The menu is formed so that the 1 day it was eaten 1.5 - 2.5 kg of cucumber for 3-4 hours (can be 5, and for 6 doses). This is what gives you the opportunity to return harmony. After eating two pounds per day of vegetables, people actually drink a little more than a liter of water - in the absence of feelings of hunger. Along the way, are normalized bowel (because of the fiber) and restored the water-salt balance. All of this can fully be attributed to normalization of metabolism. So, what is our menu?The menu on the first day of the diet:

Breakfast - a small piece of rye bread, two cucumbers;

Lunch - soup made of fresh vegetables: cucumber, radishes, carrots (not fry), one apple;

if you want - at lunch one orange;

Dinner - a salad of cucumber and herbs in oil;

can be 2 hours before going to bed one cucumber.The menu on the second day cucumber diet:

Breakfast - a small piece of rye bread, a cucumber;

Dinner - Boil 50g of beef, a salad of cucumber and radish;

You can snack on an apple;

Dinner - a salad of cucumber and herbs in oil;

can be 2 hours before going to bed one cucumber.The menu on the third day of the diet:

Breakfast - a small piece of rye bread, two cucumbers;

Dinner - boiled fish (100g), rice (100g) a pickle;

You can snack on a cucumber;

Dinner - a salad of cucumber and herbs in oil;

the usual cucumber 2 hours before bedtime.The menu on the fourth day:

Breakfast - a small piece of rye bread, a cucumber;

Lunch - salad vegetables: cucumber, cabbage, carrots, radishes, one orange;

You can snack on an apple;

Dinner - a salad of cucumber and herbs on vegetable oil, 20g of hard cheese varieties;

good tradition - a cucumber for 2 hours before bedtime.The menu on the fifth day diet:

Breakfast - a small piece of rye bread, two cucumbers;

Lunch - salad vegetables: cucumber, cabbage, carrots, radishes, one orange;

You can snack on an apple;

Dinner - a salad of cucumber and herbs on vegetable oil, 20g of hard cheese varieties;

good tradition - a cucumber for 2 hours before bedtime.The menu on the sixth day of the cucumber diet:

Breakfast - a small piece of rye bread, a cucumber;

Lunch - soup made of fresh vegetables: cucumber, radishes, carrots (not fry), one egg, a pear for dessert;

if you like - for an afternoon snack Mandarin;

Dinner - a salad of cucumber and herbs in oil;

optional, but as usual for 2 hours before bedtime - a cucumber.The menu on the seventh day of cucumber diet:

Breakfast - a small piece of rye bread, two cucumbers;

Lunch - soup made of fresh vegetables: cucumber, radishes, carrots (not fry), one apple;

if you want - cucumber snack;

Dinner - a salad of cucumber and herbs in oil;

optional 2 hours before bedtime - a cucumber.

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