среда, 13 июня 2012 г.

green diet

It is said that green fruits and vegetables help to lose weight, because they contain negative calories, that is, their digestion is expended more energy than they contain. Alas, it is not yet proven, but the benefits of a green diet for the body is too obvious to ignore it!

In the summer the green diet would be ideal power
Green Diet - a diet of vegetables and fruits, however, observing it, it is better to add the menu, and whole grains, fish and lean meat, so as not to harm their health. Then, like diet and beriberi save on summer and saturate!
The green menu - the main provisions
What is the useful green diet, if all this is not the calories? The effectiveness of the diet is high because the greens are mostly not starchy and low-carbohydrate and high in fiber. In other words, they are ideal for weight loss. Meals at such a diet should be varied and consist of cucumbers, green peppers, cabbage, young zucchini, color, and Brussels sprouts, lettuce, fennel, celery, parsley and green onions, asparagus, broccoli, cilantro, sorrel, green apples, green pods of beans, peas, kiwi, green grapes. During the day you should drink a sufficient amount (about 2m) of fluid: green tea, herbal tea of ​​mint, chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort.
Sticking to a diet of green longer period is contraindicated. 3-4 days - this would be sufficient. Menu can be used as a fasting day during the week. However, it should be remembered that before the "change seats" on a new diet, you should check with your doctor, do we allow such a change in the diet of the organism. In addition, compliance with a green diet is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, children and those with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and are hypersensitive to the large amount of fiber.The green menu - a list of courses
Do not forget that it is not necessary to severely restrict ourselves only to fruits and vegetables. Observe the green diet you need supplementing with a small number of other natural products (unrefined grains, fish, lean meat, eggs, low fat dairy products, honey), so as not to harm their health.
Here is a rough green diet menu for the day:

first breakfast: 100g porridge on the water with grated apple, lemon juice, crushed nuts and a little honey, 175ml low-fat yogurt or yogurt;

Brunch: some fresh fruit, green, 200 ml of fruit juice;

Lunch: 200g of lettuce with fresh vegetables, green (lettuce, green onions and garlic, radishes, cucumbers, parsley, dill, spinach, cabbage, etc.), a hard boiled egg, 200 ml of fruit juice;

Dinner: 50g fish 100g cabbage, 25g of wholemeal bread.
The green menu - the pros and cons
Let's just say that to lose four pounds in three or four days is not really just a little, but very harmful to the body. But these days will improve the overall tone, strengthen health and weight still leaves you. If, however, comply with tough green diet without inclusions of fish, yogurt, then you can certainly lose more pounds, but health and losing too.
Also, if a balanced diet of green can be overcome by the spring vitamin deficiencies, and prepare the body to switch to another food, full of fruits and vegetables. In the summer, when there is heat and do not want a green diet would be ideal food.

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