It means that a man does not able to perform sexual intercourse. But it happens in reality is not so often. More often, the problem is not so acute. Therefore, urologists prefer to use the term "erectile dysfunction". It means failure to provide or maintain an erection normal term, implying different degrees of disability. Accordingly, the sexual act may be possible, though difficult. However, in everyday usage, people are still all these problems are called impotence.
More than half of men aged over 40 have respective problems. However, young people also often suffer from this dysfunction.
How to have an erection?
The penis consists of spongy body and the two cavernous bodies. These bodies are similar in structure to a sponge, which can accumulate fluid. They are supplied with arteries, which is suitable for blood.
When a man is excited, there is an enlargement of the arteries that supply the body with blood, and the simultaneous narrowing of the veins, which give blood. As a result, a cavity (cavities) in the spongy bodies fill with blood and an erection. It continues until the blood from the body will not go through the veins.
Causes of erectile dysfunction and impotence
Many people believe it - only sexual problem. Nothing of the sort - in fact, may cause physical illness, of which the patient may not even know.
These may be diseases of the endocrine system, cardiovascular disease, inflammation of the pelvis, nerve disease. The cause of impotence may be a result of specific drugs, high cholesterol, spinal injury, or pelvic surgery in these organs.
Very often the problems are caused and psychology - and it may be the sole cause of man's failures, and may be accompanied by physical causes. Depression and stress can also cause dysfunction of partial and complete impotence.
We give a few reasons.
The problems of the endocrine system
If the sex glands produce too little male hormone testosterone, the male becomes "male property." In addition to the loss of an erection, been an increase in body fat, stopping the growth of body hair, changes in voice, and so on. However, this usually happens only with very serious violations of the hormonal system, which occur rarely.
In such cases, please go to the doctor-endocrinologist.
If a man takes hormones that affect the production of male hormones, of course, upset the whole mechanism of the hormonal system. And this leads to problems with erectile dysfunction and possible impotence.
However, it should be noted that such drugs are usually prescribed only for a very, very serious diseases, when it comes to the relief or even save patient's life. And it is more important than the possible impotence.
Another class of substances that can cause problems - drugs that are depressing effect on the cerebral cortex. Alcohol and drugs can also be attributed to such substances.
In addition, the drug can block the nerve endings, which should be responsible for erection.
Do not hesitate to ask your doctor does not affect whether the medication prescribed to them in the sexual sphere!
Diseases of the circulatory system
As can be seen from the description of the mechanism of normal erection, for it is absolutely necessary to the proper blood circulation.
Two major problems are: the body in the penis or not supplied with blood through the arteries, or there is too much blood flow through the veins.
In the first situation, an erection is incomplete, inadequate, and in the second it goes too fast (sometimes people do not have time to finish something that is not sexual intercourse, but even start).
The reasons may lie in a wide variety of diseases of the circulatory system - from varicose veins to arteriosclerosis of the aorta.
In addition, blood flow can disrupt and injuries of the perineum and pelvis.
Diseases of the Nervous System
Severe disruption of the nervous system may affect the erectile dysfunction (impotence cause). May also affect the consequences of pelvic surgery.
Local causes
This term is referred to as the factors that lead to the so-called hardening of the corpus cavernosum. In this process, instead of the elastic tissue in the bodies appear tough connective tissue that can not provide an erection.
The reason may be injured member or frequent injections in it. As a result of sclerosis have to do surgery to Fallot prosthesis.
Other diseases
Among the diseases called prostatitis, diabetes, hypertension. In these cases, the dysfunction is caused by several factors that can complicate treatment.
For example, prostatitis causes depression and psychological difficulties, but it can affect the nerve bundles responsible for erection, and the reason is also physical.
Go to the field of psychology is a very large proportion of the problems in the sexual sphere.
They are extremely diverse. Among them, for example:
The problem with the first sexual act (which may be exacerbated by incorrect behavior of the partner)
Fear of failure (the failure affects the next, and so on - as a result, even in his youth can be a real impotent)
Fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases or AIDS
The rejection of condoms
Fear of possible pregnancy
Uncomfortable environment
Methods for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and impotence complete
Viagra actually enhances blood flow in arteries, but the effect is still not available on all patients who suffer from impotence.
Most drugs are offered ginseng, Eleutherococcus, golden root, and so on, contain substances that are useful for blood flow, but their effect on erection greatly exaggerated sellers. However, these drugs have a restorative effect on the body and do not have any complications.
Before sex makes a man an injection of a drug that dilates blood vessels, directly into the corpus cavernosum penis. Apply the method should be infrequent, maximum once a week, and the drug should choose a doctor. Disadvantages - The disadvantage of the application and possible complications. In particular, frequent injections, as indicated above, can lead to hardening of the tissues of the penis.
The introduction of drugs into the urethra
Twenty minutes before sex man enters the drug into the urethra. This provides an erection long enough. Disadvantages - The disadvantage of the application and the high cost.
Using a pump
A man puts a penis in a special tank where the pump pumps out the air. As a result, the arteries dilate, and an erection. To block venous outflow using a tourniquet, which is applied to the base of the penis. The advantages - low cost and safety deficiencies - an inconvenience in the application and not the quality of erections.
Operations on vessels of member
These operations are aimed at increasing arterial blood flow and weakening of the venous outflow. Alas, they also do not give a hundred percent result.
Fallot prosthesis
This is the most radical method, which is used when other options have been exhausted defeat impotence. As the name implies, the place of the corpora cavernosa is placed prosthesis. The prosthesis can be of different species. The simplest system - in the form of semi-rigid rod, which provides a constantly erect penis, either in the form of a rigid rod with a "joint", which may fall and rise.
More sophisticated systems include cylinders in place of the corpora cavernosa and tanks with a liquid filling, which are in the pubic area. Before the sex fluid is pumped into the cylinders, and after the pressure dropped and the cylinders are emptied again.
Disadvantages of Fallot prosthesis: the high cost of operations, complications during prizhivaniya prostheses, irreversible operations.
Psychological help
The specialized physician who treats problems associated with impotence, called sexologist. He also assists after curing of organic causes of erectile dysfunction because, as noted, are usually associated with them, and psychological zamorochki patients.
Yes, many people are embarrassed to admit to such trouble. However, this does not mean that they should forget about. Impotence can be beaten! Handle your problems to specialists.
In the clinic, "Euromedic" conduct all necessary investigations, will understand the causes of problems and provide optimal relief from them.
Remember to consult a professional before using any treatment and different drugs to find out about possible contraindications, and the suitability and usefulness of these methods and these drugs specifically for you!
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