In the first step is to once and for all put an end to smoking, which not only causes a narrowing of blood vessels, but also causes damage. And this leads to the development of atherosclerosis, which complicates the bloodstream. The result - a violation of erectile function. By passing these problems, smoking causes increased risk of other diseases such as cardiovascular disease and poor circulation, lung and bronchus and urinary bladder.
It is also necessary to limit alcohol consumption to reasonable levels. Excessive use of them (more than 40 grams of pure alcohol every day, for example, a liter of beer) can cause long-term problems with potency. Excessive intake of alcohol has the ability to reduce the potency even in the case of a very strong desire, but a small amount of alcohol has a stimulating effect in sexual terms. Remember the old adage "Alcohol increases the desire, but also reduces the possibilities!" It should be said about the negative effects of alcohol on the liver, causing liver begins to convert the hard male sex hormone testosterone in the female sex hormone estrogen, which also has a positive effect on male sexual features .
If a man has too much weight, he should make an effort to reduce it, as it also is another factor reducing both erectile function and overall health in general.
Most overweight men with eating properly. Rather, in their diet have an excessive amount of fat, including animal fats, on the background of inadequate intake of vitamins. In such a situation can be completely invisible to develop atherosclerosis, which gradually affects all blood vessels, including those arteries that supply blood to the penis. As a result, violated the process of filling with blood corpus cavernosum of the penis, and this, again, leads to partial or complete erectile dysfunction.
Need to review your diet, with greater attention should be given fruits and vegetables, limiting the consumption of meat and fatty cheeses. Such a restructuring of their diet will ensure adequate intake of vitamins that will not only contribute to the overall improvement of the body, but also improve the condition of the reproductive system of males.
Throughout the history of its establishment, the person identified a number of food products, consumption of which increases the potency, increases the desire and generally has a positive effect on the male body. Such characteristics of certain products of plant origin people knew back in ancient Greece.
One of the brightest members of this family is a common food carrots. This vegetable is a rich source of beta-carotene, from which it is formed in the human body is very important for the potential (and the whole body as a whole) vitamin A.
Even at the dawn of its history, man has made extensive use of products rich in vitamin E, which include vegetable oils, oilseeds, and certainly one of the most "masculine" foods - nuts. Along with nuts and vegetable oil, a large amount of vitamin E contain vegetables and legumes. Do not lag behind in this respect and such foods as milk, butter, eggs (especially egg yolks), as well as meat and fish.
Greenery is also a rich source of this vitamin. In addition, lettuce and spinach also contain high amounts of vitamin C, which has a stimulating effect on male potency.
It is worth mentioning that the food with too much animal fat contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.
Do not forget about such an important factor in improving the potency, as exercise. Physical exercise, in addition to the fact that they help burn calories, and increase the "sexual performance" men. The fact is that physical activity improves heart function and blood flow through blood vessels, and the floor is essential for an adequate erection, which can not exist without an adequate blood filling the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Here we must mention one more aspect of physical activity, which is the ability of sport to eliminate stress, related to one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction.
Moreover, sportive man becomes more healthy and thus more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. In turn, this promotes self-confidence and, therefore, receive greater pleasure from sex.
However, do not just rush headlong into the maelstrom of exhausting strength training. To begin with quite a few times a week to make half-hour cycling or long walks and jogging, or pay attention to other similar sports.
Frequent stress can also have its negative impact on male potency. Experts say that stress is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction. It should be possible to avoid long-term stressful situations, especially in his spare time.
Must learn to say "no", it is far better once safely refuse requiring too much from you man, than to bear the burden of excessive and unnecessary problems and broken promises. It is recommended to apply to a variety of techniques to overcome stress, such as autogenic training, muscle relaxation, yoga, or just spend more time on sports.
Emerging today, most men crazy pace of life coupled with a heavy load at the workplace leads to the fact that many men after a hard day deliberately did not want to go to bed early, so that longer enjoy such rare free moments. In the morning, due to the short time of sleep, they could hardly rise from the bed and dipped into the everyday world problems completely exhausted.
Lack of sleep is largely undermines the health, weakening his immune system. A frequent consequence of lack of sleep is depression, which can not in any way affected the status of erectile function.
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